Additional Documents

  • FMLA (Family Medical Leave)
  • MISD Forms and Funded Educational Opportunities

    Classified Staff Forms

  • "24 Hours" Optional Hours & Training Form DUE 8/10 - (Link Here
    • 24 hrs available, activities must be pre-approved
  • Classified Technology Hours DUE 8/10 (Link to Frontline)
  • 26 hrs available
  • For the 2020-21 school year, all classified staff can claim three (3) technology hours completed for the additional time they are spending and will spend learning how to use the technology required to support hybrid learning and hybrid learners. Such staff will still have to submit the appropriate time-card/payroll record to facilitate the payment of these hours. 
  • All classified employees will be provided access to the hardware and software determined by the District to be necessary for the effective performance of an employee’s duties and twenty-six (26) hours (prorated for employees hired after the first workday of the school year) specifically related to technology training relevant for classified educators. 

Certificated Staff Forms

MAPL Hours Form - DUE 8/10 (Link Here

  • 2020-2021 MOU: Any certificated staff member who normally would have the opportunity to earn and has not already completed their MAPL hours (Mutually Agreeable Professional Learning (MAPL)), as of February 3, 2021, may claim up to fifteen (15) MAPL hours deemed done. Such educators cannot claim more than fifteen (15) hours in total for the 2020/21 school year. Educators who have already completed their MAPL hours as of February 3, 2021, may timecard, at the per diem rate, up to one (1) day above their allocated MAPL hours, on a pro-rata basis, in consideration of the time they will likely spend learning new skills. Such educators cannot claim more than twenty-two and a half (22.5) MAPL hours in total for the 2020/21 school year

Certificated Tech Hours  DUE 8/10 

  • All certificated staff who participated in the August Instructional Technology training, and those excused from the training because they were involved in MIEA/MISD bargaining, will receive credit for all technology requirements outlined in the current contract. There will be no expectation of additional documentation or tracking of hours. Any certificated staff who did not participate in the August Instructional Technology training will need to submit verification of completion of the required training hours from August to receive their full technology supplemental.